Guest Blogging and Getting Juried
If you’ve been following my Facebook page and Twitter updates, you’ll know that I recently did a guest blog spot for Candace over at Good In My Soul. You should go read the guest post! And if you haven’t been following my Facebook and Twitter, follow me! You get more up-to-date info that way. Unless, you know, there’s no info to give, but that’s beside the point. {:
It was a lot of fun to fill out Candace’s questionnaire. It made me realize I haven’t really thought about my process in a while. It was interesting to see how my process has evolved over time. For instance, I used to not have a set idea for a work ahead of time. I’d just draw and it would become whatever it wanted to be, or I suppose whatever my soul wanted it to be. While I still have the ability to do that, I now often know what I want to express before drawing, so I draw frameworks and then fill in the details. I like both ways of doing what I do. I think, though, that it would be a good exercise to draw without an idea in mind periodically, just to keep the expression fresh.
And onto other news, for a while now I’ve been working on a big project to get my work juried by the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design. I wanted to become a juried member so I could participate in various shows and exhibits they put on, as well as maybe displaying my work in their gallery. Because I didn’t create many Soulprints last year and they wanted current works, I had to create almost all new works! I had to scrounge for energy a bit. {:
So, I finished everything before the deadline, even thought I wasn’t at all sure I’d make it, and submitted my works about 2 weeks ago for jurying. I didn’t really talk about it, partly because before I submitted my works I was BUSY and afterward I was TIRED, but I think mostly because I was SCARED. I guess I didn’t want to jinx it. And while it’s good to hold onto some information, I think in this case I should have spilled the beans and announced what I was up to. I mean, as scary as it is to get juried, it’s all in the life of an artist, right? {:
In any case, I got my letter from the Centre today and I was accepted! Yayyy! They have very high standards, so being accepted is really exciting! This means good things for me: local shows, seminars and workshops, information, networking, and a whole slew of other awesome things. Now I join some really talented friends of mine as professional members of the Centre. It’s a huge ego boost. {: