Art Show Ending
Well, it’s over! The show’s been dismantled. The walls of the gallery are bare and pretty soon new art will be up for display.
It took about an hour and a half to put it up on opening day, and it took us all of 10 minutes to take it down. Destruction is always easier than construction, isn’t it?
I’m grateful to everyone who had a hand in the show in any way, especially Patsy MacKinnon, who organized it, New Waterford Credit Union for hosting it, Hubby for helping with just about everything else, and all the family, friends, and random people who showed up to take a look. Last but not least, I thank Michelle Tatlock for being my partner in crime.
It was a little sad to take it all down and know that it’s over. But, it was a great show, and I can start gearing up for my next (ad)venture. Onward!