Comic Art Club: Labyrinth and Legacy of Kain
Recently, my lovely friend Sophie invited me to join an art club paying homage to comic art and various other geeky awesome things. I’ve made two submissions so far. I have to say, this club is totally AWESOME to be a part of! If you have a Tumblr account, follow us! Or, you could visit us on Facebook. We even have a Twitter!
My first submission was for Labyrinth. I chose the red Shield Guard. I wanted to do the blue one too but ran out of time. Maybe soon. (:
My second submission was for Legacy of Kain. I unfortunately never played the series, but it seems like something I would have liked if I had. Vampires and awesomeness! I came across a symbol for Kain’s sword I loved so that’s what I picked.
I had so much fun drawing these for the club that you can be sure there will be more. Keep watchin’! 😀